Meaty Fried Rice


1½ lb Long grain rice
¼ cup Vegetable oil
½ lb Pork, lean & boneless
½ lb Chicken breast, boneless & skinless
½ lb Medium Shrimp, peeled & deveined
½ lb Ham, thickly sliced for cubing
½ Brown onion, medium
4 Garlic cloves
1 cup Bean Sprouts
1 Green onions bunch
½ cup Teriyaki sauce
½ cup Soy sauce
1tsp Ground cumin
1tsp Salt
1tsp Black pepper
Meaty Fried Rice


Cook the rice per the package instructions, then refrigerate until firm, while you prep the rest of the ingredients. Beat the eggs and cook until scrambled in a small pan and store aside.

Defrost the shrimp, then dice into cubes the pork, chicken and ham into small cubes and put all of them aside separately. Finely dice the brown onion, green onions and mince the garlic cloves, keeping all of them separate.

In a large pan, heat the oil on a high setting; add the pork and chicken, then sauté until thoroughly cooked, about 3 minutes. Add the shrimp, while continuously stirring, until the shrimp turns pink. Add the chopped ham, garlic, and onion, then season with cumin, salt and black pepper, while continuing to sauté for 2 more minutes.

With the heat still on high, add the cold rice and the scrambled eggs to the pan and mix together well, before adding the teriyaki and soy sauces and stir well, until the rice turns golden brown. Remove the pan from the heat, folding in the bean sprouts and green onions. Before putting the fried rice on a serving platter, remove the shrimp from the pan and use them as a garnish on top of the rice.


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